sunflower on green background

Make a Difference Today: Support Our Mission

Every gift – large or small, immediate or planned – is important and appreciated.

Embracing our tagline, “Grow With Us,” Barclay Friends is committed to nurturing residents, ensuring they feel supported, fulfilled, and engaged. Your generous contributions to Barclay Friends help us uphold our mission to provide exceptional quality of life for those in need of our specialized care, now and in the future.

Choose where your contribution makes an impact

Staff Appreciation Fund

Quality care provided by the compassionate staff is at the heart of Barclay Friends. We often hear from residents and families that it is the staff who make being part of the Barclay Friends family a comforting experience. If you would like to express your appreciation to staff, please consider a donation to the Staff Appreciation Fund today.

Horticultural Therapy Fund

Barclay Friends is one of the few long-term care facilities in the region to have a comprehensive horticultural therapy program. Established in 2000, our horticultural therapy program offers five outdoor gardens available to residents, families and staff. Our full-time Horticulturalist facilitates numerous activities including floral design, indoor and outdoor gardening, and sensory stimulation. Resident-designed fresh floral arrangements are shared throughout the community. Gardening activities include working in raised beds where residents can plant and tend their own gardens. Residents also have the opportunity to grow vegetables and donate them to the Chester County Food Bank.  To help our program flourish, consider a donation today.

Unrestricted Fund

Unrestricted Funds allow Barclay Friends to respond to whatever emergent issue weighs most heavily upon our organization. As you can imagine, unrestricted gifts are so important to Barclay Friends and may be used for overhead costs like expanding staff, equipment, training, and emergency expenses. Your generosity helps us to continue to run smoothly, ensuring the stability of staff and the residents we serve.

Caring Fund

Gifts to the Caring Fund help us bridge the gap in costs as well as assist residents who may have exhausted financial means, through no fault of their own. 

Giving Options

Heart in holding hands

Honor and Memorial Gifts

Learn about donating in honor or in memory of someone special.

Special Ways of Giving

See the difference your generosity makes today.  Including Barclay Friends in these special ways of giving has a meaningful impact on our community and leaves a lasting legacy.

If you would like more information about giving options, please contact the Director of Philanthropy.

Glenn Barnhill at, 610-918-3433