October 15, 2019 —
Barclay Friends’ 15th Annual Golf Classic was a great success. Golfers and residents enjoyed the beautiful weather at our new venue, Whitford Country Club. Participants were treated to a great day of golf, as well as delicious food, raffles, a silent auction and an opportunity to participate in contests along the course. Barclay Friends board members and staff (above) ensure a smooth and efficient day of play.
With the generous support of sponsors and participants, Barclay Friends raised $32,000 to benefit the Caring Fund at Barclay Friends, well exceeding our goal of $25,000! The Caring Fund provides assistance to residents whose personal finances have been depleted due to health care costs.
Peter, a Barclay Friends resident, shares an anecdote about the day:

“It was a perfect day for golf. The camaraderie of the golfers was excellent, I thought. I enjoyed the fresh air and the tranquility of the whole scene — it was a beautiful sight. Back at home, in Truxton, NJ, a cousin and I would go up to a golf course after church, about 10 miles away. One Sunday, there was a foursome ahead of us. One guy made a beautiful drive over the water hazard on that hole — well, the third guy put it right into the middle of the pond.So he pulls out another ball and one of his buddies says, ‘Better go a little short’ this time,’ and he shot it about 50 yards out,” Peter laughs, “and his buddy said, ‘I didn’t mean that short.’ So he walks toward the hole and he throws his iron in the pond! We ran into him at the clubhouse and I asked him how he played. Needless to say, he used quite a few words you shouldn’t use on Sunday.”

Many thanks to Golf Outing Committee members who helped make the event so successful. “One of my favorite parts of the Golf Classic is seeing some of the residents…I truly enjoy talking with them and knowing that, in some small way, we are helping them. The cause, the laughs and the golf bring me back every year,” notes David Barkasy, Committee member for the past three years.